Room 18

Room 18
We are all looking forward to an exciting year of learning and fun in Room 18. We will use our blog to share our learning throughout the year. Please look at our posts and make comments. Check our ‘quality comments’ tab on our blog to learn how to make a quality comment. We love to hear what people have to say about our learning. Room 18

Tuesday 30 July 2013


Room 18 were set a challenge that involved spaghetti, marshmallows and teamwork!
Each Kagan group were given dry spaghetti noodles and a bowl of marshmallows and the challenge was to make a tower. 
The group who had the highest tower at the end of 15 minutes would receive 1000 house points each!


After 15 minutes Kagan group 1 was the winner. Well done Carlos, Brianna, Maddy and Damian.

We discussed what the point of the challenge was. Room 18 said that it was about 'working together'. We talked about what was difficult during the activity and everyone agreed that it was frustrating when the spaghetti broke and it was hard to make the towers stand up.

We discussed what we had to do to work together. We had to share, ask each other for ideas, listen to each other, be patient, agree, take on others ideas, be co-operative, focus, show others, consider other peoples ideas.

Room 18 had lots of fun! 


  1. What a fantastic activity! A great way to learn while working as a team. I don't think I would have made a tower as I would have eaten all the marshmallows!

    Mrs Tobin

  2. Great work group 1 :). Yes I would have eaten the marshmellows too.
