Room 18

Room 18
We are all looking forward to an exciting year of learning and fun in Room 18. We will use our blog to share our learning throughout the year. Please look at our posts and make comments. Check our ‘quality comments’ tab on our blog to learn how to make a quality comment. We love to hear what people have to say about our learning. Room 18

Monday 18 March 2013

Riley's Recount

In writing time we are writing recounts and we are learning to:

answer the four W’s in our opening statement – When? Who? What? Where?
write about something that has happened in the past
write about what happened in order
add descriptive language so that our writing is interesting to read

Here is Riley’s Soccer Game story. He has met all our learning intentions.
Go Riley!

Soccer Game

On Sunday 17 March I was playing a soccer game. We were playing the 10 year old division side and we were playing at Riverhills. Our whole team is 9 year olds.
We were playing in the wet drizzling rain. Everyone came with warm coats, track suit pants and scarfs except me, all I came with, was a soccer jacket and soccer pants. Everyone thought it was going to be postponed but no we still had to play in the pouring rain. Every mum didn’t want to sit down and watch but all the boys in my team including me and the dads wanted to stay.

Our coach Buzzer told us what position we were playing. He put out some cones to tell us where we were playing. Before the game started we did some training such as: stretching, shooting, passing and tackling. After we did training with Buzzer it was time to play the real game, I was playing striker. My Dad was refing the game. The other team looked quite big and tough and I was quite nervous. The other team was starting off.  My Dad blew the whistle and I charged up trying to get the ball. The other team quickly passed the ball to his team mate and my friend up front with me got the ball off the other team, he passed it to me then I ran up and shot, I scored! Everyone clapped and I gave my teammates a high five. It was 1 to 0 with only about 5 minutes into the game.

My Dad blew the whistle and this time I let my teammate get the ball and when he got the ball he passed to me then I passed back to the midfielder’s. The midfielder passed back to the defenders, the defenders passed back to the goalie, the goalie booted it up the field and then my teammate shot and scored. It started to hail a little bit so my Dad blew the whistle again. We scored again. Soon after that it was half time and the score was 4-0 to us. I quickly drank my drink and I was on the bench for a little bit, I was watching my teammates pass and score.
By the time I got on the field again it was 5-0. I ran up to the goal, my friend crossed it in I shot and I scored my second goal.

The man blew the whistle, they started to pass a lot. Our opponent went down the side of the pitch crossed it in and they shot, it took a deflection and went in the goal. We kicked off then we had a run down the field and someone passed to me, I shot but their keeper saved it. Then their keeper kicked the ball as hard as he could and passed it to their guy and only one of our guys was back. They had about 4 people luckily they scored but we didn’t really care because we were winning 6-2 with only about 5 minutes left. We kicked off, we passed, then we ran up, it hit the post then rebounded to our guy he shot and scored.

The game was over and it was so fun we won 7-2. We shook their hands. I was so cold so when we went home I had some lollies then a warm bath.

By Riley


  1. Wow Riley! What a fantastic recount! Keep up the great work!


  2. That referee sounds like a top professional! Well done Riley, you are a Star soccer player and author! Dad/Referee

  3. Sounds like it was a great game, well done Riley, great writing too : ). Damian's mum.

  4. wow Riley your team did a great job well done:)
